Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 2017

Hello everyone,
I hope spring is treating you well! I am going to keep this post short. I have decided to suspend the monthly newsletter for now, and focus more on my individual communication with chapters. I feel this may be a more effective form of support, since the needs of our chapters are so different.
Please do be in touch if there's any way I can help you, or resources I can provide.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 2017

Hello everyone!

I hope you're all doing well! If your location is anything like mine, it's starting to feel like we might actually make it through winter pretty soon... With Spring also comes tying up the data from the past year's Mosaics (how's that for an abrupt subject change?). As the National Mosaic Committee Coordinator, one of my responsibilities is to send all of the Mosaic worksheets I've collected from the prior year to the IO to ensure they are all 'counted' for international records. So, this month, I'm focusing the newsletter on tying up these loose ends.

Mosaic worksheets I've received for 2016 thus far:
Dallas - Fort Worth

Chapters I believe have a Mosaic worksheet to send me still :):
Michigan City
New York
Austin/San Antonio

If you don't see your chapter name on the above list, but you completed a Mosaic in 2016 (whether or not you've begun a worksheet at this point), let me know! If you did a project you believe counts and we haven't discussed it previously, that's no problem! We can hop on the phone and fill out the worksheet together to make it official.

Also, while we're at it, here's the list of chapters who have been in touch with me about planning a Mosaic for this year!:

I'm really excited to see our numbers growing steadily and this is all thanks to you all who are doing this good work on the ground. Please be in touch if I can support you in any way, and thanks to those of you who have already reached out!


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 2017

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year! I won't assume anyone's political leanings, but speaking personally, this last week has been very trying for me as I try to reconcile what I believe to be a just and peaceful world with what our new administration envisions. One thing I think we can all agree on is there are a lot of ways we can each help make our local communities a better place. What a perfect time for Mosaic!

I've spoken to a number of chapters that have exciting plans in the work for 2017 and if your chapter wants to share ideas or brainstorm (or seek any other type of assistance from me), please be in touch!

The resource I want to highlight this month is CISV International's Mosaic Stories website. On it, you can find numerous Mosaic ideas that have been successfully executed at chapters around the world. Maybe this will spark some ideas for your chapter!

As always, please be in touch if I can support you in any way, and thanks to those of you who have already been in communication!
